Friday, September 24, 2010

What's on the Menu?

Here are the dinners we've had this week.  We have so many leftovers, and unfortunately we'll be gone alot this weekend for birthday celebrations , a wedding and more!  I hope none of it goes bad too quickly...  I'd love to hear what other people are eating, if you care to share. :) 

Monday: Penne Regate (sauce, pasta, sausage (or in this case, turkey sausage), mozzarella cheese)
Tuesday: Red Beans & Rice, used leftover sausage from Monday night that didn't go into the penne
Wednesday: Out to dinner with my parents for Chinese/Thai
Thursday: Crockpot chicken and biscuits
Friday: Dinner at Nikolai's Roof in honor of my father-in-law's birthday
Saturday:Probably leftovers since there is so much in the fridge!
Sunday: Later afternoon wedding, so we'll probably be full of hordourves!

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