Thursday, August 19, 2010

Asian Peanut Butter Porkchops

My new recipe for this week was the Asian Peanut Butter Porkchops that Stephanie posted about on her blog, A Year of Slow Cooking.  I must say...they turned out very well!  Definitely the most tender porkchops I've ever cooked!  I followed her directions, and I don't think they could've turned out better.  I didn't have white whine vinegar, but I did have distilled white vinegar.  What the difference is, I have no idea...but it didn't seem to make a difference in the end, so I'm ok with not knowing the difference!  How many times can I say difference in one sentence???

Anyway, start with the ingredients.  I realized after taking this picture that the porkchops were still in the fridge...oops. :)
1.5-2lbs pork tenderloin
1 onion, sliced in rings
1/4 cup soy sauce 
1/4 cup brown sugar
3 tablespoons white wine vinegar
3 tablespoons water
2 garlic cloves, chopped (I guessed on the amount, since I didn't use fresh garlic)
1/2 cup creamy natural peanut butter (might've used a little more than 1/2 cup...:)

I used a 4 qt crockpot...Stephanie says to use one no larger than 6, but 4 worked great for the 2 chops I did.  First, put slices of onion in bottom of crockpot.
Put the pork on top.
Add brown sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, water, garlic, and peanut butter. No need to stir--the peanut butter needs to melt before you can do so. Cover and cook on low for 8 hours, or on high for 4-6. I did high for about 5 hours.  The pork will be more tender the longer you cook it. 1 hour before serving, flip the meat over in the crockpot to allow the other side to soak up the peanutbuttery goodness.  I know this looks kind of gross, but trust me, it tasted so good and fell right off the bone!
 Here is the finished product.  We also had cheesy cauliflower and peas with the pork.  Very tasty!

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